Pencil Energy - API MVP Case Study

Pencil geometry

The Challenge

Pencil Energy needed to develop an MVP for their Incentives API, which would provide tax incentive information based on a given address. The primary challenge lay in the fragmented nature of their data, which was spread across different systems. Specifically, the tax program details were stored in a tabular database, while geographic data was contained within various GIS shapefiles.

The unstructured GIS data required transformation into a standardized format. This standardization was essential to effectively tie the spatial data to tax programs. Additionally, the regions for these tax programs were complex and had to be defined manually, necessitating the design of an automated system to handle this intricate process.

Overall, the project demanded the integration of disparate data sources, the structuring of unstructured GIS data, and the creation of a robust, automated system to correlate complex spatial data with tax program information.

The Solution

First, we performed a data migration and conversion to create an enterprise-level Postgres geodatabase. This geodatabase was populated with data from the existing shapefiles and the tabular data, providing a centralized and standardized data repository.

Next, we built a REST API connected to the Postgres database. This API facilitated seamless access to the tax incentive information, enabling efficient retrieval and use of the data.

The most complex and critical part of the solution was the creation of a batch job to build complex geometries. This job utilized unions and subtractions of the existing geometries to create the spatial data required for the tax programs. By automating this process, users could generate intricate geometries from the existing GIS data without having to perform any manual, complex GIS operations. This not only saved significant time and effort but also ensured a high level of accuracy and consistency in the spatial data used for tax program mapping.

sample pencil energy geometry
Sample complex geometry built by the process

Overall, our solution integrated disparate data sources, standardized unstructured GIS data, and automated the creation of complex spatial geometries, providing a robust and efficient system for delivering precise tax incentive information.

The Impact

The implementation of our solution had a significant impact on the client's operations. By consolidating their fragmented data into a single enterprise-level Postgres geodatabase, we provided a solid foundation for their energy tax incentives API. The REST API we developed ensured seamless and efficient access to this valuable data, enhancing the overall user experience.

The most profound impact came from our automated batch job for building complex geometries. This innovation eliminated the need for manual GIS operations, drastically reducing the time and effort required to create accurate spatial data for the tax programs. As a result, the client could focus on leveraging this data to provide precise and reliable tax incentive information to their users.

Our solution not only met but exceeded the client's expectations, delivering a robust and scalable system that streamlined their processes and improved data accuracy. This project demonstrated our ability to tackle complex challenges and deliver high-quality solutions, positioning our client to better serve their customers and achieve their business objectives.

See the post from the Pencil CEO here.

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Justin Rowsell Photo
Justin Rowsell
Founder, Aquaberry