Lightning risk analysis for offshore wind

C.H.A.A.C. - Climate Hazard Alert and Assessment Center

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Unpredictable Weather

Increase in Severe Storms

The percent increase in severe storms over the last 20 years, driven largely by climate change

Unplanned Downtime

Daily Cost of a Down Turbine

Unplanned corrective maintenance leads to unexpected down time


O&M Share of LCOE

The share of Levelized Cost of Energy for offshore wind that is attributed to operations and maintenance expenses

Be Profitable in an Uncertain World

lClimate change is causing a rise in severe weather events, significantly impacting offshore wind farms. The frequency and intensity of storms, floods, and other extreme weather conditions have surged, creating heightened risks for operational disruptions. This new reality makes it more crucial than ever for wind farm operators to have robust strategies in place to mitigate these risks and ensure continuous operation and profitability.

CHAAC leverages live and historical weather data to enable more informed decision-making around preventive maintenance. By analyzing patterns in weather and lightning, CHAAC provides actionable insights that help you schedule maintenance activities at optimal times, reducing the likelihood of unexpected downtime and costly repairs. This data-driven approach ensures that your operations remain resilient in the face of unpredictable weather conditions.

CHAAC also empowers you to vet potential sites and turbines before project initiation. By utilizing our software, you can assess the viability of new locations based on historical weather data, ensuring that your investments are sound and your projects are set up for success from the beginning. With CHAAC, you can confidently navigate the challenges of climate change, maintaining profitability and operational efficiency in an uncertain world.